Archives For tranceform

Long time, no posts. Sometimes you just get stressed in life, and in my case I have suffered from energy drainage in combination with working 29 hours in two days due to a very interesting scientific conference that we arranged for researchers in the Nordic countries. I love my work and it’s definitely worth the […]

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18/2 – Trance & Booty call

18 februari, 2015

  As my nickname suggests I’m a girl that really loves trance 🙂 For me it is the perfect cardio, and this past weekend gave me the opportunity not only once, but twice to dance for four hours straight! So after a long week of work and hitting the gym I celebrated Valentine’s Day on […]

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I finally got my team clothes and my cat Biceps approved 😀     My favorite is surprisingly not the pink one, but the scull hoodie <3 Last Friday I went to see an old colleague of mine hold her dissertation to become a doctor in molecular biotechnology. It was very interesting since two of […]

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2/2 – Here we go :D

2 februari, 2015

My name is Johanna, but most people call me Joey 🙂 Here I’ll document my journey towards my dreams, with a twist of trance and science 🙂 I would like to thank my coach Kristian Sewén for letting me become a proud member of the Body Science/MM Sports family since last week as well as […]

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